Personalised wardrobe advice imagined with AI

Get personalised wardrobe recommendations delivered straight to your inbox!

Very similar

Superdry dark blue puffer jacket

AI generated photo

How does it work?

Upload 10 images of yourself

Variety is very important. Change your pose, facial expression and background in every picture for the best results.

Configure your preferences

Choose your color palette and wardrobe style. Our AI will give you personalised advice based on your info.

Your AI Wardrobe

We'll send you new fashion styles on a weekly basis, straight to your inbox.


What happens to my uploaded images?

Your images are sent to an external training service and are then deleted.

Can I delete my generated images?

You can delete your generated images at all times by pressing the 'delete' button.

Can I buy the generated clothes?

We'll do our best to find similar clothes in our catalog, so you can buy them.